
Christopher B. Jackson, PI

Enthusiastic about mitochondrial-nuclear signalling and how metabolism shapes structure and vice versa.

Off in the woods in his free-time.



Geoffray Monteuuis, PhD

Excited about understanding the complex signalling interactions and intricate links in mitochondrial dysfunction. Enthusiastic about our hypothesis-driven genome-wide CRISPR screen.


Ryan Awadhpersad, PhD student

Enthusiastic about (genome-wide genetic) editing and generation of mitochondrial disease models.

Enthusiastic about metabolic networks and specific metabolic flux in mitochondrial disease and cancer models.

He holds a salaried PhD position in the Doctoral programme in Integrative Life Science.


Suvi Tikkakoski, PhD student (beginning January 2024)

Enthusiastic about genome-wide CRISPR screening. Specifically excited about mitochondrial membrane potential regulation and tissue-specific mitochondrial dysfunction.

Outside the lab you will most probably find me from the woods either running or skiing - or from the kitchen baking cakes.


Daan van der Kolk, Master student

Excited about understanding interorganellar signalling under mitochondrial dysfunction and its specific effect on increasing cell fitness.

Daan is an Erasmus exchange student.


Tarja Grundstrom Technical Assistant




Mark C. Cowlishaw, Research Associate

Currently working on manipulation of cells' genetic environmentby sequence- and context-depdendent regulatory networks relating to mitochondrial dysfunction, specifically the mitochondrial ribosome.

Interested in procedures to address ageing-phenotype cell dysfunction.

Mark has received his BA from the University of Cambridge with specialisation in Genetics and soon his MSc from the University of Helsinki.